How To Create An Action Plan - With Examples And Free Templates

Creating an effective action plan is a critical component of any successful project or goal. An action plan clearly outlines the specific steps and resources required to achieve objectives within a certain timeframe. Following a well-developed action plan keeps team members motivated and focused on collectively working towards shared goals.

This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to know about crafting an action plan template that will set your project up for success. Read on to learn what an action plan is, why you need one, how to write an action plan, and access free downloadable action plan templates.

What Is An Action Plan and Why Do You Need One?

An action plan is a detailed plan templates that outlines the specific steps needed to reach a goal or complete a project. It is a roadmap that lays out the tasks and resources required for successful execution.

An effective action plan typically includes the following components:

  • Goal Statement - A summary of the overall objective or desired outcome.

  • Action Steps - The tangible and measurable activities that must be completed to move the project forward. These action steps will make up your detailed list of tasks.

  • Owners - The people who will be responsible for completing each action step. Team members will be assigned to action items.

  • Due Dates - The timeframe or deadlines for finishing each action step. You will need to include due dates for each task.

  • Resources - The people, budget, equipment, etc. needed to execute on each activity. These resources needed will be outlined.

  • Metrics - Clear success metrics to track progress towards completion. You will need to define metrics to measure progress.

Without an action plan, projects can quickly become disjointed and team members may be unsure of their stakeholder responsibilities. An action plan brings enhanced clarity, organization, accountability, and focus to your goals.

There are many benefits of taking the time to develop a detailed action plan:

  • Communicates goal - The action plan provides a clear statement of the end goal or desired outcome for stakeholders.

  • Defines roles - By assigning owners, team member responsibilities are clarified upfront. You will assign responsibilities.

  • Budgets resources - Resources needs are outlined so adequate budget and support can be allocated. The resources required will be documented.

  • Provides timeline - Due dates create a sense of urgency and keeps things on schedule. Dates will drive urgency.

  • Measures progress - Key quantifiable metrics offer the ability to monitor progress toward success. You will track progress.

  • Identifies risks - Potential obstacles can be anticipated and mitigated through detailed planning.

  • Optimizes efficiency - Careful coordination of action steps maximizes productivity. Your plan will outline efficiency steps.

  • Creates accountability - Assigning tasks drives responsibility and follow through. The plan will drive accountability.

In summary, an action plan gives your project direction, alignment, and a roadmap for taking it from idea to successful execution. The time invested in developing the plan pays dividends throughout implementation and completion. Having an action plan is critical.

How To Write An Action Plan

Follow this step-by-step guide when writing an effective action plan:

Step 1: Define the Goal or Project Objective

  • What is the purpose or desired outcome of this initiative? Write a clear goal statement that sums up what you want to accomplish in 1-2 sentences.

  • Articulating a crisp, concise goal provides focus and direction for the action plan. It drives all ensuing activities toward a shared end. You need a good goal statement.

Step 2: Break Down the Goal into Action Steps

  • Identify and document all of the smaller action steps required to reach the bigger goal.

  • Review what must happen to complete the goal and ask probing questions - What are the milestones along the way? What tasks must be accomplished first, second, third, etc? What resources or inputs are needed to complete each action step?

  • The action steps will provide a detailed list of tasks and work breakdown structure for the project goal. They form the core of your action plan template.

Step 3: Assign Owners and Due Dates

  • Identify who will be responsible, involved with, or consulted on each action step. List the people who will be completing or have input on each activity.

  • You will assign owners to each step which drives accountability by clarifying exactly who will be executing on each component of the plan.

  • Include specific due dates or timeframes for completion to set schedule expectations. This keeps the plan on track.

Step 4: Identify Resources Required

  • What resources in terms of people, budget, equipment, or input from others are required to perform each action step outlined?

  • Resources may include subject matter experts to consult, staff to allocate, tools and systems to leverage, facilities, and budget. Outline every resource required.

  • This helps plan resource capacity and ensure the project is realistic based on resource availability and constraints. The resources needed will be listed.

Step 5: Define Success Metrics

  • How will progress and ultimate success of the initiative be measured?

  • Determine appropriate quantitative metrics that will indicate completion and achievement of milestones.

  • Metrics provide an objective means to track progress. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Define metrics.

Step 6: Review and Approve the Action Plan

  • Review the completed draft of the action plan with stakeholders and team members.

  • Incorporate any feedback into a final version of the document. Secure official sign-off and approval for the plan.

  • Alignment and buy-in upfront prevents surprises down the road and improves execution success. Get formal approval.

Free Action Plan Templates

Rather than drafting your action plan from scratch, save time by downloading and customizing one of these free templates:

1. Simple Action Plan Template

This streamlined action plan template covers the basic components of an action plan in a Word document that is easy to modify. It provides a simple structure for smaller projects or initiatives.

The template includes sections for:

  • Goal

  • Action steps 

  • Owners  

  • Due dates

  • Resources required

  • Metrics

Having an action plan template makes it easier to create your plan.

Download this simple action plan template here

2. Detailed Action Plan Template

For larger, more complex projects, this detailed template provides a comprehensive structure for documenting your plan. The thorough template is formatted for clarity in Excel.

Sections include:

  • Vision statement

  • Objectives

  • Action steps

  • Owners  

  • Due date

  • Resource needs

  • Budget

  • Risk management

  • Performance metrics

The detailed template covers everything.

Download this detailed action plan template here

3. Project Action Plan Template

Managing projects requires a structured plan. This template includes dedicated columns for documenting action status and progress to help manage multi-step projects.

The template provides columns for:

  • Project name & owner 

  • Action step

  • Owner

  • Start date

  • Due date

  • Status

  • Completion date

  • Notes

Download this project action plan template here

4. Business Action Plan Template

For business planning, this template includes sections tailored to developing a business goal action plan. The comprehensive template covers strategic planning, execution, financials, and more.

Sections include:

  • Executive summary

  • Objectives 

  • Keys to success

  • Target market

  • Competitor analysis

  • Marketing strategy

  • Operations

  • Management team

  • Financial plan

  • Milestones

Download this business action plan template here

5. Corrective Action Plan Template

Use this template to develop an action plan focused on correcting performance gaps or addressing issues requiring improvement. The template drives problem-solving.

Sections include:

  • Problem statement

  • Gap analysis

  • Root cause analysis

  • Corrective actions 

  • Owners

  • Due dates

  • Resource needs

  • Metrics

  • Verification steps

Download this corrective action plan template here

Examples of Action Plans

Reviewing examples of effective action plans can provide ideas and inspiration as you prepare to write your own plan. Here are a few examples:

Example 1: New Product Launch Action Plan

Goal: Launch new Product X by December 1st.

Action Steps:

  • Complete product design & specs by August 15

  • Develop marketing campaign and assets by September 30

  • Produce product video by October 15

  • Contact influencers and collaborate on sponsored posts by November 1

  • Build preliminary order list by November 15

  • Confirm supply chain/inventory by November 22 

  • Train sales team on selling Product X by November 24

  • Activate email nurture program by November 25

  • Go live with eCommerce promotions by November 30

  • Celebrate successful launch on December 1st!

Having an organized launch plan is critical for introducing a new product successfully. This example outlines the key steps.

Example 2: Website Redesign Action Plan

Goal: Redesign and launch new company website by March 1st.

Action Steps:

  • Document new site goals, target users, content strategy by January 10

  • Create sitemap, wireframes by January 15

  • Write new copy, take photos by January 30

  • Design visual theme by February 10

  • Develop page templates and components by February 15

  • Configure CMS, plugins, forms by February 20

  • Set up hosting, security, speed optimizations by February 25

  • Create test environment by February 28

  • Perform QA testing during February 

  • Migrate content by March 1

  • Train team members on CMS by March 10 

  • Announce launch on March 15!

A detailed website redesign plan is key for a successful launch. This outlines all steps.

Example 3: Expand to New Markets Action Plan

Goal: Expand business operations into 3 new markets by end of 2022.

Action Steps:

  • Research potential new target markets by Q1

  • Assess competition in shortlisted regions by Q2

  • Tailor messaging for each new market by Q3

  • Develop translated marketing materials by Q3

  • Make necessary product/service adaptations by Q3

  • Pursue regulatory requirements for new markets by Q3

  • Identify potential partners/distributors by Q4

  • Hire local country managers in Q4

  • Establish local physical footprint in Q4

  • Launch localized campaigns in Q4

  • Report on KPIs by region in Q1 2023

Expanding into new markets requires careful planning and phased execution. This plan summarizes the phased approach.

Tips for Creating a Successful Action Plan

Follow these best practices when developing and executing your action plan:

  • Involve team members early - Those responsible for executing the plan should provide input on its creation. Early involvement improves commitment.

  • Set realistic due dates - Due dates should challenge the team while being achievable given available resources and competing priorities.

  • Define specific metrics - Quantifiable, results-focused success metrics keep things objective. Leading and lagging indicators are helpful.

  • Secure formal sign-off - Make sure all stakeholders and team members formally approve the finalized plan to ensure alignment.

  • Check in regularly - Consistently monitoring progress against milestones keeps everything on track. Communicate regularly.

  • Adjust as needed - Review the plan often and adjust action steps as required. Formalize changes through a documented change process.

  • Communicate progress - Keep stakeholders informed of wins and milestones achieved to build momentum.

  • Reward success - Recognize individuals and teams for progress made to motivate continued commitment.

  • Conduct post-project review - After completion, evaluate success, learn lessons, and celebrate the team wins!

Following best practices will lead to better action plans and successful execution.

Conclusion and Summary

An action plan is a roadmap that outlines the discrete, measurable steps required to achieve a goal or successfully deliver a project. The documented plan summarizes the goal, action steps, owners, timeline, resources required, and success metrics.

Benefits provided by developing an action plan include enhanced clarity, alignment, accountability, focus, and ability to measure return on investment. Use the step-by-step guide to craft a plan for your next goal or initiative.

Leverage free downloadable templates to save time in documenting your own action plan tailored to the project. Review examples for inspiration on structuring your plan.

Careful planning, stakeholder buy-in, and consistent execution leads to goal achievement. Involve the team, set realistic milestones, communicate regularly, and correct course as needed in order to turn your action plan into outstanding results!

How To Create An Action Plan - With Examples And Free Templates

Creating an effective action plan is a critical component of any successful project or goal. An action plan clearly outlines the specific steps and resources required to achieve objectives within a certain timeframe. Following a well-developed action plan keeps team members motivated and focused on collectively working towards shared goals.

This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to know about crafting an action plan template that will set your project up for success. Read on to learn what an action plan is, why you need one, how to write an action plan, and access free downloadable action plan templates.

What Is An Action Plan and Why Do You Need One?

An action plan is a detailed plan templates that outlines the specific steps needed to reach a goal or complete a project. It is a roadmap that lays out the tasks and resources required for successful execution.

An effective action plan typically includes the following components:

  • Goal Statement - A summary of the overall objective or desired outcome.

  • Action Steps - The tangible and measurable activities that must be completed to move the project forward. These action steps will make up your detailed list of tasks.

  • Owners - The people who will be responsible for completing each action step. Team members will be assigned to action items.

  • Due Dates - The timeframe or deadlines for finishing each action step. You will need to include due dates for each task.

  • Resources - The people, budget, equipment, etc. needed to execute on each activity. These resources needed will be outlined.

  • Metrics - Clear success metrics to track progress towards completion. You will need to define metrics to measure progress.

Without an action plan, projects can quickly become disjointed and team members may be unsure of their stakeholder responsibilities. An action plan brings enhanced clarity, organization, accountability, and focus to your goals.

There are many benefits of taking the time to develop a detailed action plan:

  • Communicates goal - The action plan provides a clear statement of the end goal or desired outcome for stakeholders.

  • Defines roles - By assigning owners, team member responsibilities are clarified upfront. You will assign responsibilities.

  • Budgets resources - Resources needs are outlined so adequate budget and support can be allocated. The resources required will be documented.

  • Provides timeline - Due dates create a sense of urgency and keeps things on schedule. Dates will drive urgency.

  • Measures progress - Key quantifiable metrics offer the ability to monitor progress toward success. You will track progress.

  • Identifies risks - Potential obstacles can be anticipated and mitigated through detailed planning.

  • Optimizes efficiency - Careful coordination of action steps maximizes productivity. Your plan will outline efficiency steps.

  • Creates accountability - Assigning tasks drives responsibility and follow through. The plan will drive accountability.

In summary, an action plan gives your project direction, alignment, and a roadmap for taking it from idea to successful execution. The time invested in developing the plan pays dividends throughout implementation and completion. Having an action plan is critical.

How To Write An Action Plan

Follow this step-by-step guide when writing an effective action plan:

Step 1: Define the Goal or Project Objective

  • What is the purpose or desired outcome of this initiative? Write a clear goal statement that sums up what you want to accomplish in 1-2 sentences.

  • Articulating a crisp, concise goal provides focus and direction for the action plan. It drives all ensuing activities toward a shared end. You need a good goal statement.

Step 2: Break Down the Goal into Action Steps

  • Identify and document all of the smaller action steps required to reach the bigger goal.

  • Review what must happen to complete the goal and ask probing questions - What are the milestones along the way? What tasks must be accomplished first, second, third, etc? What resources or inputs are needed to complete each action step?

  • The action steps will provide a detailed list of tasks and work breakdown structure for the project goal. They form the core of your action plan template.

Step 3: Assign Owners and Due Dates

  • Identify who will be responsible, involved with, or consulted on each action step. List the people who will be completing or have input on each activity.

  • You will assign owners to each step which drives accountability by clarifying exactly who will be executing on each component of the plan.

  • Include specific due dates or timeframes for completion to set schedule expectations. This keeps the plan on track.

Step 4: Identify Resources Required

  • What resources in terms of people, budget, equipment, or input from others are required to perform each action step outlined?

  • Resources may include subject matter experts to consult, staff to allocate, tools and systems to leverage, facilities, and budget. Outline every resource required.

  • This helps plan resource capacity and ensure the project is realistic based on resource availability and constraints. The resources needed will be listed.

Step 5: Define Success Metrics

  • How will progress and ultimate success of the initiative be measured?

  • Determine appropriate quantitative metrics that will indicate completion and achievement of milestones.

  • Metrics provide an objective means to track progress. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Define metrics.

Step 6: Review and Approve the Action Plan

  • Review the completed draft of the action plan with stakeholders and team members.

  • Incorporate any feedback into a final version of the document. Secure official sign-off and approval for the plan.

  • Alignment and buy-in upfront prevents surprises down the road and improves execution success. Get formal approval.

Free Action Plan Templates

Rather than drafting your action plan from scratch, save time by downloading and customizing one of these free templates:

1. Simple Action Plan Template

This streamlined action plan template covers the basic components of an action plan in a Word document that is easy to modify. It provides a simple structure for smaller projects or initiatives.

The template includes sections for:

  • Goal

  • Action steps 

  • Owners  

  • Due dates

  • Resources required

  • Metrics

Having an action plan template makes it easier to create your plan.

Download this simple action plan template here

2. Detailed Action Plan Template

For larger, more complex projects, this detailed template provides a comprehensive structure for documenting your plan. The thorough template is formatted for clarity in Excel.

Sections include:

  • Vision statement

  • Objectives

  • Action steps

  • Owners  

  • Due date

  • Resource needs

  • Budget

  • Risk management

  • Performance metrics

The detailed template covers everything.

Download this detailed action plan template here

3. Project Action Plan Template

Managing projects requires a structured plan. This template includes dedicated columns for documenting action status and progress to help manage multi-step projects.

The template provides columns for:

  • Project name & owner 

  • Action step

  • Owner

  • Start date

  • Due date

  • Status

  • Completion date

  • Notes

Download this project action plan template here

4. Business Action Plan Template

For business planning, this template includes sections tailored to developing a business goal action plan. The comprehensive template covers strategic planning, execution, financials, and more.

Sections include:

  • Executive summary

  • Objectives 

  • Keys to success

  • Target market

  • Competitor analysis

  • Marketing strategy

  • Operations

  • Management team

  • Financial plan

  • Milestones

Download this business action plan template here

5. Corrective Action Plan Template

Use this template to develop an action plan focused on correcting performance gaps or addressing issues requiring improvement. The template drives problem-solving.

Sections include:

  • Problem statement

  • Gap analysis

  • Root cause analysis

  • Corrective actions 

  • Owners

  • Due dates

  • Resource needs

  • Metrics

  • Verification steps

Download this corrective action plan template here

Examples of Action Plans

Reviewing examples of effective action plans can provide ideas and inspiration as you prepare to write your own plan. Here are a few examples:

Example 1: New Product Launch Action Plan

Goal: Launch new Product X by December 1st.

Action Steps:

  • Complete product design & specs by August 15

  • Develop marketing campaign and assets by September 30

  • Produce product video by October 15

  • Contact influencers and collaborate on sponsored posts by November 1

  • Build preliminary order list by November 15

  • Confirm supply chain/inventory by November 22 

  • Train sales team on selling Product X by November 24

  • Activate email nurture program by November 25

  • Go live with eCommerce promotions by November 30

  • Celebrate successful launch on December 1st!

Having an organized launch plan is critical for introducing a new product successfully. This example outlines the key steps.

Example 2: Website Redesign Action Plan

Goal: Redesign and launch new company website by March 1st.

Action Steps:

  • Document new site goals, target users, content strategy by January 10

  • Create sitemap, wireframes by January 15

  • Write new copy, take photos by January 30

  • Design visual theme by February 10

  • Develop page templates and components by February 15

  • Configure CMS, plugins, forms by February 20

  • Set up hosting, security, speed optimizations by February 25

  • Create test environment by February 28

  • Perform QA testing during February 

  • Migrate content by March 1

  • Train team members on CMS by March 10 

  • Announce launch on March 15!

A detailed website redesign plan is key for a successful launch. This outlines all steps.

Example 3: Expand to New Markets Action Plan

Goal: Expand business operations into 3 new markets by end of 2022.

Action Steps:

  • Research potential new target markets by Q1

  • Assess competition in shortlisted regions by Q2

  • Tailor messaging for each new market by Q3

  • Develop translated marketing materials by Q3

  • Make necessary product/service adaptations by Q3

  • Pursue regulatory requirements for new markets by Q3

  • Identify potential partners/distributors by Q4

  • Hire local country managers in Q4

  • Establish local physical footprint in Q4

  • Launch localized campaigns in Q4

  • Report on KPIs by region in Q1 2023

Expanding into new markets requires careful planning and phased execution. This plan summarizes the phased approach.

Tips for Creating a Successful Action Plan

Follow these best practices when developing and executing your action plan:

  • Involve team members early - Those responsible for executing the plan should provide input on its creation. Early involvement improves commitment.

  • Set realistic due dates - Due dates should challenge the team while being achievable given available resources and competing priorities.

  • Define specific metrics - Quantifiable, results-focused success metrics keep things objective. Leading and lagging indicators are helpful.

  • Secure formal sign-off - Make sure all stakeholders and team members formally approve the finalized plan to ensure alignment.

  • Check in regularly - Consistently monitoring progress against milestones keeps everything on track. Communicate regularly.

  • Adjust as needed - Review the plan often and adjust action steps as required. Formalize changes through a documented change process.

  • Communicate progress - Keep stakeholders informed of wins and milestones achieved to build momentum.

  • Reward success - Recognize individuals and teams for progress made to motivate continued commitment.

  • Conduct post-project review - After completion, evaluate success, learn lessons, and celebrate the team wins!

Following best practices will lead to better action plans and successful execution.

Conclusion and Summary

An action plan is a roadmap that outlines the discrete, measurable steps required to achieve a goal or successfully deliver a project. The documented plan summarizes the goal, action steps, owners, timeline, resources required, and success metrics.

Benefits provided by developing an action plan include enhanced clarity, alignment, accountability, focus, and ability to measure return on investment. Use the step-by-step guide to craft a plan for your next goal or initiative.

Leverage free downloadable templates to save time in documenting your own action plan tailored to the project. Review examples for inspiration on structuring your plan.

Careful planning, stakeholder buy-in, and consistent execution leads to goal achievement. Involve the team, set realistic milestones, communicate regularly, and correct course as needed in order to turn your action plan into outstanding results!

How To Create An Action Plan - With Examples And Free Templates

Creating an effective action plan is a critical component of any successful project or goal. An action plan clearly outlines the specific steps and resources required to achieve objectives within a certain timeframe. Following a well-developed action plan keeps team members motivated and focused on collectively working towards shared goals.

This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to know about crafting an action plan template that will set your project up for success. Read on to learn what an action plan is, why you need one, how to write an action plan, and access free downloadable action plan templates.

What Is An Action Plan and Why Do You Need One?

An action plan is a detailed plan templates that outlines the specific steps needed to reach a goal or complete a project. It is a roadmap that lays out the tasks and resources required for successful execution.

An effective action plan typically includes the following components:

  • Goal Statement - A summary of the overall objective or desired outcome.

  • Action Steps - The tangible and measurable activities that must be completed to move the project forward. These action steps will make up your detailed list of tasks.

  • Owners - The people who will be responsible for completing each action step. Team members will be assigned to action items.

  • Due Dates - The timeframe or deadlines for finishing each action step. You will need to include due dates for each task.

  • Resources - The people, budget, equipment, etc. needed to execute on each activity. These resources needed will be outlined.

  • Metrics - Clear success metrics to track progress towards completion. You will need to define metrics to measure progress.

Without an action plan, projects can quickly become disjointed and team members may be unsure of their stakeholder responsibilities. An action plan brings enhanced clarity, organization, accountability, and focus to your goals.

There are many benefits of taking the time to develop a detailed action plan:

  • Communicates goal - The action plan provides a clear statement of the end goal or desired outcome for stakeholders.

  • Defines roles - By assigning owners, team member responsibilities are clarified upfront. You will assign responsibilities.

  • Budgets resources - Resources needs are outlined so adequate budget and support can be allocated. The resources required will be documented.

  • Provides timeline - Due dates create a sense of urgency and keeps things on schedule. Dates will drive urgency.

  • Measures progress - Key quantifiable metrics offer the ability to monitor progress toward success. You will track progress.

  • Identifies risks - Potential obstacles can be anticipated and mitigated through detailed planning.

  • Optimizes efficiency - Careful coordination of action steps maximizes productivity. Your plan will outline efficiency steps.

  • Creates accountability - Assigning tasks drives responsibility and follow through. The plan will drive accountability.

In summary, an action plan gives your project direction, alignment, and a roadmap for taking it from idea to successful execution. The time invested in developing the plan pays dividends throughout implementation and completion. Having an action plan is critical.

How To Write An Action Plan

Follow this step-by-step guide when writing an effective action plan:

Step 1: Define the Goal or Project Objective

  • What is the purpose or desired outcome of this initiative? Write a clear goal statement that sums up what you want to accomplish in 1-2 sentences.

  • Articulating a crisp, concise goal provides focus and direction for the action plan. It drives all ensuing activities toward a shared end. You need a good goal statement.

Step 2: Break Down the Goal into Action Steps

  • Identify and document all of the smaller action steps required to reach the bigger goal.

  • Review what must happen to complete the goal and ask probing questions - What are the milestones along the way? What tasks must be accomplished first, second, third, etc? What resources or inputs are needed to complete each action step?

  • The action steps will provide a detailed list of tasks and work breakdown structure for the project goal. They form the core of your action plan template.

Step 3: Assign Owners and Due Dates

  • Identify who will be responsible, involved with, or consulted on each action step. List the people who will be completing or have input on each activity.

  • You will assign owners to each step which drives accountability by clarifying exactly who will be executing on each component of the plan.

  • Include specific due dates or timeframes for completion to set schedule expectations. This keeps the plan on track.

Step 4: Identify Resources Required

  • What resources in terms of people, budget, equipment, or input from others are required to perform each action step outlined?

  • Resources may include subject matter experts to consult, staff to allocate, tools and systems to leverage, facilities, and budget. Outline every resource required.

  • This helps plan resource capacity and ensure the project is realistic based on resource availability and constraints. The resources needed will be listed.

Step 5: Define Success Metrics

  • How will progress and ultimate success of the initiative be measured?

  • Determine appropriate quantitative metrics that will indicate completion and achievement of milestones.

  • Metrics provide an objective means to track progress. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Define metrics.

Step 6: Review and Approve the Action Plan

  • Review the completed draft of the action plan with stakeholders and team members.

  • Incorporate any feedback into a final version of the document. Secure official sign-off and approval for the plan.

  • Alignment and buy-in upfront prevents surprises down the road and improves execution success. Get formal approval.

Free Action Plan Templates

Rather than drafting your action plan from scratch, save time by downloading and customizing one of these free templates:

1. Simple Action Plan Template

This streamlined action plan template covers the basic components of an action plan in a Word document that is easy to modify. It provides a simple structure for smaller projects or initiatives.

The template includes sections for:

  • Goal

  • Action steps 

  • Owners  

  • Due dates

  • Resources required

  • Metrics

Having an action plan template makes it easier to create your plan.

Download this simple action plan template here

2. Detailed Action Plan Template

For larger, more complex projects, this detailed template provides a comprehensive structure for documenting your plan. The thorough template is formatted for clarity in Excel.

Sections include:

  • Vision statement

  • Objectives

  • Action steps

  • Owners  

  • Due date

  • Resource needs

  • Budget

  • Risk management

  • Performance metrics

The detailed template covers everything.

Download this detailed action plan template here

3. Project Action Plan Template

Managing projects requires a structured plan. This template includes dedicated columns for documenting action status and progress to help manage multi-step projects.

The template provides columns for:

  • Project name & owner 

  • Action step

  • Owner

  • Start date

  • Due date

  • Status

  • Completion date

  • Notes

Download this project action plan template here

4. Business Action Plan Template

For business planning, this template includes sections tailored to developing a business goal action plan. The comprehensive template covers strategic planning, execution, financials, and more.

Sections include:

  • Executive summary

  • Objectives 

  • Keys to success

  • Target market

  • Competitor analysis

  • Marketing strategy

  • Operations

  • Management team

  • Financial plan

  • Milestones

Download this business action plan template here

5. Corrective Action Plan Template

Use this template to develop an action plan focused on correcting performance gaps or addressing issues requiring improvement. The template drives problem-solving.

Sections include:

  • Problem statement

  • Gap analysis

  • Root cause analysis

  • Corrective actions 

  • Owners

  • Due dates

  • Resource needs

  • Metrics

  • Verification steps

Download this corrective action plan template here

Examples of Action Plans

Reviewing examples of effective action plans can provide ideas and inspiration as you prepare to write your own plan. Here are a few examples:

Example 1: New Product Launch Action Plan

Goal: Launch new Product X by December 1st.

Action Steps:

  • Complete product design & specs by August 15

  • Develop marketing campaign and assets by September 30

  • Produce product video by October 15

  • Contact influencers and collaborate on sponsored posts by November 1

  • Build preliminary order list by November 15

  • Confirm supply chain/inventory by November 22 

  • Train sales team on selling Product X by November 24

  • Activate email nurture program by November 25

  • Go live with eCommerce promotions by November 30

  • Celebrate successful launch on December 1st!

Having an organized launch plan is critical for introducing a new product successfully. This example outlines the key steps.

Example 2: Website Redesign Action Plan

Goal: Redesign and launch new company website by March 1st.

Action Steps:

  • Document new site goals, target users, content strategy by January 10

  • Create sitemap, wireframes by January 15

  • Write new copy, take photos by January 30

  • Design visual theme by February 10

  • Develop page templates and components by February 15

  • Configure CMS, plugins, forms by February 20

  • Set up hosting, security, speed optimizations by February 25

  • Create test environment by February 28

  • Perform QA testing during February 

  • Migrate content by March 1

  • Train team members on CMS by March 10 

  • Announce launch on March 15!

A detailed website redesign plan is key for a successful launch. This outlines all steps.

Example 3: Expand to New Markets Action Plan

Goal: Expand business operations into 3 new markets by end of 2022.

Action Steps:

  • Research potential new target markets by Q1

  • Assess competition in shortlisted regions by Q2

  • Tailor messaging for each new market by Q3

  • Develop translated marketing materials by Q3

  • Make necessary product/service adaptations by Q3

  • Pursue regulatory requirements for new markets by Q3

  • Identify potential partners/distributors by Q4

  • Hire local country managers in Q4

  • Establish local physical footprint in Q4

  • Launch localized campaigns in Q4

  • Report on KPIs by region in Q1 2023

Expanding into new markets requires careful planning and phased execution. This plan summarizes the phased approach.

Tips for Creating a Successful Action Plan

Follow these best practices when developing and executing your action plan:

  • Involve team members early - Those responsible for executing the plan should provide input on its creation. Early involvement improves commitment.

  • Set realistic due dates - Due dates should challenge the team while being achievable given available resources and competing priorities.

  • Define specific metrics - Quantifiable, results-focused success metrics keep things objective. Leading and lagging indicators are helpful.

  • Secure formal sign-off - Make sure all stakeholders and team members formally approve the finalized plan to ensure alignment.

  • Check in regularly - Consistently monitoring progress against milestones keeps everything on track. Communicate regularly.

  • Adjust as needed - Review the plan often and adjust action steps as required. Formalize changes through a documented change process.

  • Communicate progress - Keep stakeholders informed of wins and milestones achieved to build momentum.

  • Reward success - Recognize individuals and teams for progress made to motivate continued commitment.

  • Conduct post-project review - After completion, evaluate success, learn lessons, and celebrate the team wins!

Following best practices will lead to better action plans and successful execution.

Conclusion and Summary

An action plan is a roadmap that outlines the discrete, measurable steps required to achieve a goal or successfully deliver a project. The documented plan summarizes the goal, action steps, owners, timeline, resources required, and success metrics.

Benefits provided by developing an action plan include enhanced clarity, alignment, accountability, focus, and ability to measure return on investment. Use the step-by-step guide to craft a plan for your next goal or initiative.

Leverage free downloadable templates to save time in documenting your own action plan tailored to the project. Review examples for inspiration on structuring your plan.

Careful planning, stakeholder buy-in, and consistent execution leads to goal achievement. Involve the team, set realistic milestones, communicate regularly, and correct course as needed in order to turn your action plan into outstanding results!