The Essential Guide to Business Process Management (BPM) in 2024

Business process management (BPM) has become an indispensable practice for companies seeking to optimize operations, reduce costs, enhance customer experience and promote business growth through process improvement. This BPM guide covers everything from understanding BPM concepts to identifying the types of BPM solutions, implementation methodologies, critical success factors, latest trends and best practices to follow in 2024.

With the right BPM software, governance model and organizational change management - enterprises can transform fragmented workflows into efficient automated business processes aligned to strategic goals. Read on to determine if your organization needs BPM, and if so, how to approach BPM initiatives.

Defining Business Process Management

Business process management encompasses various methods and tools to discover, document, analyze, improve, optimize and manage end-to-end business processes. BPM relies on process modeling methodologies to depict workflows, interactions and decision logic across people, systems and apps.

The focus of BPM is enhancing how work gets executed horizontally across departments, systems and companies to deliver business value and positive outcomes in alignment with organizational objectives. It applies process thinking to connect discrete tasks into integrated processes.

Some key concepts in BPM include:

Business Process: A series of structured business activities with specific flow, triggers and dependencies to accomplish a defined business outcome.

Process Owner: An executive accountable for process KPIs related to cost, quality, cycle time and compliance

Process Analysis: Assessing, baselining and diagnosing process constraints to identify waste and performance improvement opportunities

Process Automation: Use of technology to execute repetitive process tasks reducing human effort and errors

Process Simulation: Modeling process flows under different scenarios to validate designs before implementation

Process Analytics: Monitoring process dashboards showing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to enable data-driven process insights

Continuous Process Improvement: Ongoing effort using BPM lifecycle to incrementally enhance process efficiency and quality

Process Transformation: Fundamental redesign of processes to significantly improve KPIs and align to business strategies

Drivers for Business Process Management

What factors are motivating enterprises to invest in BPM now? Some of the leading drivers include:

Increasing Agility – The need to rapidly operationalize changing business models, innovations and customer requirements

Cost Optimization – Continued executive mandate to reduce waste, streamline operations and control expenses

Globalization – Coordinating business processes across borders, cultures and disparate systems

Regulations – Requirements for rigorous control, audit trails and reporting on organizational practices

Digital Transformation – Disconnect between legacy processes and new technologies like AI/ML, RPA and cloud platforms

Customer Experience – Aligning processes from the outside-in to enable seamless omni-channel customer journeys

Post-Pandemic Recovery – Reimagining processes to enhance resilience, remote collaboration and automation

The Integrated BPM Lifecycle

BPM should be seen as a continuous improvement approach, not a one-time project. An integrated, closed-loop BPM methodology enables sustainable process optimization. Below are key phases of the BPM lifecycle:

Process Identification

Leverage stakeholder input and process mining algorithms to identify processes for improvement across systems, departments and operations

Process Discovery

Map current state processes end-to-end, document underlying rules, roles and existing automation

Process Analysis

Profile process performance baselines related to KPIs - cost, cycle time, quality, compliance

Process Simulation

Model and test “To-be” process flows addressing pain points using “what-if” scenario modelling

Process Redesign

Define optimized processes incorporating industry best practices and innovative use of enabling technologies

Process Implementation

Execute deployment plan applying change management - user training, system integration, testing and adjustments

Process Monitoring

Instrument processes for detailed visibility publishing operational analytics to business users

Process Diagnosis

Perform root cause analysis on issues using process analytics combined with data visualization

Process Improvement

Continually refine processes based on insights uncovered via monitoring, data analysis and diagnosis

Process Repeat

Use lessons learned from previous iteration to identify new improvement opportunities driving enduring continuity

Business Process Management Solutions

BPM is supported by a range of automation technologies and tools:

Business Process Management Suites

Integrated platforms to model, simulate, execute, monitor and optimize end-to-end processes. Enable continuous process improvement across the BPM lifecycle phases.

Business Process Modeling Tools

Design, map and document business processes using flowchart techniques like BPMN to visualize process steps, decisions and stakeholders

Workflow Management Tools

Route work tasks and documents to users according to predefined process flows and rules enabling consistency

Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)

Capture event streams from multiple data sources in real-time to enable monitoring of business performance

Business Process Analytics

Tools to analyze, identify patterns and visualize process data to provide transparency and actionable insights

Process Mining

Discover actual processes by extracting event logs from IT systems to compare against defined process models

Business Decision Automation

Manage complex business rules and decision logic models to optimize outcomes and compliance

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Automate repetitive, rules-based tasks via software robots interpreting user interfaces just like humans

Who Needs Business Process Management?

Nearly all industries can benefit from BPM but top vertical adopters today include:


Optimizing processes for lending operations, customer onboarding/KYC, fraud analysis and wealth management


Improving underwriting, claims and policy administration while ensuring compliance


Clinical and operational process enhancement – patient intake, diagnostics, billing and reimbursements


Managing order-to-activation flows, field workforce scheduling, asset maintenance and fault management


Load planning, inventory allocation, distribution operations, shipment tracking and ETA accuracy

Public Sector

Constituent-centric processes for benefits claims, assistance programs, licenses and policy guidance


Quality assurance procedures, shop floor scheduling, inventory control and product development workflows

Critical Capabilities for BPM Success

While software alone cannot guarantee positive outcomes - these organizational capabilities drive and sustain effective BPM adoption:

Executive Sponsorship

Ongoing C-level oversight, prioritization and funding to instill process-centric culture

BPM Competency Center

Centralized team of process experts providing governance, best practices, tools, templates and training

Enterprise Process Architecture

Common taxonomy, standards and methodology governing process models, automation approaches and data

Master Data Management (MDM)

Consistent, complete and trustworthy master data asset supporting process analysis and decisions

Organizational Alignment

Proactive change management across people, process and technology promoting process literacy at all levels

IT/Business Collaboration

Strong partnership between IT and business teams in process design phases

BPM Methodology Best Practices

Follow these proven steps for implementing BPM initiatives successfully:

Understand Strategic Drivers

Document business objectives, KPIs and current vs. desired future state processes

Define Governance Model

Create BPM oversight team, competency center, change network, executive steering committee

Conduct As-Is Process Discovery

Leverage process mining to analyze actual processes, pain points and improvement needs

Develop Future State Process Architecture

Map process flows at the enterprise level showing connectivity between departmental processes

Prioritize Process Redesign Efforts

Focus initial BPM projects on urgent, high impact processes demonstrating quick ROI

Manage Organizational Change

Drive process culture via awareness, training, incentives and continuous communication

Scale BPM Program

Once successful, replicate process methods across other areas ensuring consistency and coordination

Advance Technical Capabilities

Evolve tools to support increasing process complexity as competencies and maturity progresses

Business Process Management Key Trends

Some noteworthy BPM developments to expect in 2024 include:

Intelligent Business Process Management (iBPM)

Infusing automation with AI, RPA and analytics for smarter exception handling, forecasting and optimization

Process Mining Proliferation

Discovering actual processes via data mining algorithms to enable fact-based analysis and continual auditing

Business Process as a Service (BPaaS)

Consuming prebuilt industry process apps from the cloud allowing faster time to value

Workflow Apps Expansion

Citizen developers drag-and-drop configuring workflow apps with minimal coding

Embedded Process Insights

Analytics and monitoring instrumentation natively embedded in processes via digital dashboards

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Focus

Applying BPM to enhance traceability, compliance and reporting for sustainability initiatives 

Natural Language Interfaces

Voice commands and conversational agents to query process performance and guide users through workflows

Predictive Business Processes

Simulation and machine learning anticipate scenarios for dynamic adjustments of processes before issues arise

Blockchain Integration

Leveraging blockchain to enable trustworthy process audit trails, transparency and data lineage

BPM Human+Bots Collaboration

RPA bots and AI assistants augmenting human tasks in process workflows for straight through processing

When to Adopt Business Process Management

Indicators that your organization can strongly benefit from BPM:

Inconsistent Process Execution

Wide variance in outcomes, cycle times and quality depending on factors like employee skills, locations or workload

Limited Visibility

Lack of clarity into end-to-end processes and hand-offs spanning systems, apps and organizations

Changing Business Conditions

Difficulty adapting processes, resources and customer journeys to market disruptions and new innovations

Unsatisfactory Customer Experiences

Complaints regarding slow request resolution, convoluted application processes or billing errors

Non Compliance Risks

Inability to adhere to regulations and changing compliance rules leading to penalties or litigation

Unstructured Processes

Overreliance on heroics, tribal knowledge and manual interventions to progress processes

Mergers & Acquisitions

Disjointed processes from lack of standards between merged companies or acquired business units

Cost Overruns

Budget overages tied to inefficient processes with redundant efforts across people and systems

Strategic Misalignment

Functional strategies and operations disconnected from broader corporate objectives

Key Takeaways and Recommendations

In summary, leading enterprises are embracing Business Process Management to transform operational excellence in alignment with customer expectations and strategic goals.

Key highlights for organizations investigating BPM include:

Adopt Continuous Improvement Mindset – Follow structured BPM lifecycle methodology vs. one-off optimizations

Take Outside-In Approach – Map external “white space” customer journeys before internal workflows

Identify Quick Wins – Prioritize high impact processes for greatest ROI benefitcases 

Enhance Analytics Investment – Collect data across processes for fact-based insights and diagnostics

Prepare Culture – Drive executive commitment, process literacy training and change management

Leverage Cloud Economics – Consider BPaaS solutions for faster time-to-value over on-premise software

Build BPM CoE – Establish BPM Center of Excellence for guidance, governance, standards and best practices 

Evolve Along The Maturity Curve – Grow BPM scope as organizational capabilities and competencies mature

Reach out to explore how to launch your BPM program for transformational outcomes.

The Essential Guide to Business Process Management (BPM) in 2024

Business process management (BPM) has become an indispensable practice for companies seeking to optimize operations, reduce costs, enhance customer experience and promote business growth through process improvement. This BPM guide covers everything from understanding BPM concepts to identifying the types of BPM solutions, implementation methodologies, critical success factors, latest trends and best practices to follow in 2024.

With the right BPM software, governance model and organizational change management - enterprises can transform fragmented workflows into efficient automated business processes aligned to strategic goals. Read on to determine if your organization needs BPM, and if so, how to approach BPM initiatives.

Defining Business Process Management

Business process management encompasses various methods and tools to discover, document, analyze, improve, optimize and manage end-to-end business processes. BPM relies on process modeling methodologies to depict workflows, interactions and decision logic across people, systems and apps.

The focus of BPM is enhancing how work gets executed horizontally across departments, systems and companies to deliver business value and positive outcomes in alignment with organizational objectives. It applies process thinking to connect discrete tasks into integrated processes.

Some key concepts in BPM include:

Business Process: A series of structured business activities with specific flow, triggers and dependencies to accomplish a defined business outcome.

Process Owner: An executive accountable for process KPIs related to cost, quality, cycle time and compliance

Process Analysis: Assessing, baselining and diagnosing process constraints to identify waste and performance improvement opportunities

Process Automation: Use of technology to execute repetitive process tasks reducing human effort and errors

Process Simulation: Modeling process flows under different scenarios to validate designs before implementation

Process Analytics: Monitoring process dashboards showing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to enable data-driven process insights

Continuous Process Improvement: Ongoing effort using BPM lifecycle to incrementally enhance process efficiency and quality

Process Transformation: Fundamental redesign of processes to significantly improve KPIs and align to business strategies

Drivers for Business Process Management

What factors are motivating enterprises to invest in BPM now? Some of the leading drivers include:

Increasing Agility – The need to rapidly operationalize changing business models, innovations and customer requirements

Cost Optimization – Continued executive mandate to reduce waste, streamline operations and control expenses

Globalization – Coordinating business processes across borders, cultures and disparate systems

Regulations – Requirements for rigorous control, audit trails and reporting on organizational practices

Digital Transformation – Disconnect between legacy processes and new technologies like AI/ML, RPA and cloud platforms

Customer Experience – Aligning processes from the outside-in to enable seamless omni-channel customer journeys

Post-Pandemic Recovery – Reimagining processes to enhance resilience, remote collaboration and automation

The Integrated BPM Lifecycle

BPM should be seen as a continuous improvement approach, not a one-time project. An integrated, closed-loop BPM methodology enables sustainable process optimization. Below are key phases of the BPM lifecycle:

Process Identification

Leverage stakeholder input and process mining algorithms to identify processes for improvement across systems, departments and operations

Process Discovery

Map current state processes end-to-end, document underlying rules, roles and existing automation

Process Analysis

Profile process performance baselines related to KPIs - cost, cycle time, quality, compliance

Process Simulation

Model and test “To-be” process flows addressing pain points using “what-if” scenario modelling

Process Redesign

Define optimized processes incorporating industry best practices and innovative use of enabling technologies

Process Implementation

Execute deployment plan applying change management - user training, system integration, testing and adjustments

Process Monitoring

Instrument processes for detailed visibility publishing operational analytics to business users

Process Diagnosis

Perform root cause analysis on issues using process analytics combined with data visualization

Process Improvement

Continually refine processes based on insights uncovered via monitoring, data analysis and diagnosis

Process Repeat

Use lessons learned from previous iteration to identify new improvement opportunities driving enduring continuity

Business Process Management Solutions

BPM is supported by a range of automation technologies and tools:

Business Process Management Suites

Integrated platforms to model, simulate, execute, monitor and optimize end-to-end processes. Enable continuous process improvement across the BPM lifecycle phases.

Business Process Modeling Tools

Design, map and document business processes using flowchart techniques like BPMN to visualize process steps, decisions and stakeholders

Workflow Management Tools

Route work tasks and documents to users according to predefined process flows and rules enabling consistency

Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)

Capture event streams from multiple data sources in real-time to enable monitoring of business performance

Business Process Analytics

Tools to analyze, identify patterns and visualize process data to provide transparency and actionable insights

Process Mining

Discover actual processes by extracting event logs from IT systems to compare against defined process models

Business Decision Automation

Manage complex business rules and decision logic models to optimize outcomes and compliance

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Automate repetitive, rules-based tasks via software robots interpreting user interfaces just like humans

Who Needs Business Process Management?

Nearly all industries can benefit from BPM but top vertical adopters today include:


Optimizing processes for lending operations, customer onboarding/KYC, fraud analysis and wealth management


Improving underwriting, claims and policy administration while ensuring compliance


Clinical and operational process enhancement – patient intake, diagnostics, billing and reimbursements


Managing order-to-activation flows, field workforce scheduling, asset maintenance and fault management


Load planning, inventory allocation, distribution operations, shipment tracking and ETA accuracy

Public Sector

Constituent-centric processes for benefits claims, assistance programs, licenses and policy guidance


Quality assurance procedures, shop floor scheduling, inventory control and product development workflows

Critical Capabilities for BPM Success

While software alone cannot guarantee positive outcomes - these organizational capabilities drive and sustain effective BPM adoption:

Executive Sponsorship

Ongoing C-level oversight, prioritization and funding to instill process-centric culture

BPM Competency Center

Centralized team of process experts providing governance, best practices, tools, templates and training

Enterprise Process Architecture

Common taxonomy, standards and methodology governing process models, automation approaches and data

Master Data Management (MDM)

Consistent, complete and trustworthy master data asset supporting process analysis and decisions

Organizational Alignment

Proactive change management across people, process and technology promoting process literacy at all levels

IT/Business Collaboration

Strong partnership between IT and business teams in process design phases

BPM Methodology Best Practices

Follow these proven steps for implementing BPM initiatives successfully:

Understand Strategic Drivers

Document business objectives, KPIs and current vs. desired future state processes

Define Governance Model

Create BPM oversight team, competency center, change network, executive steering committee

Conduct As-Is Process Discovery

Leverage process mining to analyze actual processes, pain points and improvement needs

Develop Future State Process Architecture

Map process flows at the enterprise level showing connectivity between departmental processes

Prioritize Process Redesign Efforts

Focus initial BPM projects on urgent, high impact processes demonstrating quick ROI

Manage Organizational Change

Drive process culture via awareness, training, incentives and continuous communication

Scale BPM Program

Once successful, replicate process methods across other areas ensuring consistency and coordination

Advance Technical Capabilities

Evolve tools to support increasing process complexity as competencies and maturity progresses

Business Process Management Key Trends

Some noteworthy BPM developments to expect in 2024 include:

Intelligent Business Process Management (iBPM)

Infusing automation with AI, RPA and analytics for smarter exception handling, forecasting and optimization

Process Mining Proliferation

Discovering actual processes via data mining algorithms to enable fact-based analysis and continual auditing

Business Process as a Service (BPaaS)

Consuming prebuilt industry process apps from the cloud allowing faster time to value

Workflow Apps Expansion

Citizen developers drag-and-drop configuring workflow apps with minimal coding

Embedded Process Insights

Analytics and monitoring instrumentation natively embedded in processes via digital dashboards

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Focus

Applying BPM to enhance traceability, compliance and reporting for sustainability initiatives 

Natural Language Interfaces

Voice commands and conversational agents to query process performance and guide users through workflows

Predictive Business Processes

Simulation and machine learning anticipate scenarios for dynamic adjustments of processes before issues arise

Blockchain Integration

Leveraging blockchain to enable trustworthy process audit trails, transparency and data lineage

BPM Human+Bots Collaboration

RPA bots and AI assistants augmenting human tasks in process workflows for straight through processing

When to Adopt Business Process Management

Indicators that your organization can strongly benefit from BPM:

Inconsistent Process Execution

Wide variance in outcomes, cycle times and quality depending on factors like employee skills, locations or workload

Limited Visibility

Lack of clarity into end-to-end processes and hand-offs spanning systems, apps and organizations

Changing Business Conditions

Difficulty adapting processes, resources and customer journeys to market disruptions and new innovations

Unsatisfactory Customer Experiences

Complaints regarding slow request resolution, convoluted application processes or billing errors

Non Compliance Risks

Inability to adhere to regulations and changing compliance rules leading to penalties or litigation

Unstructured Processes

Overreliance on heroics, tribal knowledge and manual interventions to progress processes

Mergers & Acquisitions

Disjointed processes from lack of standards between merged companies or acquired business units

Cost Overruns

Budget overages tied to inefficient processes with redundant efforts across people and systems

Strategic Misalignment

Functional strategies and operations disconnected from broader corporate objectives

Key Takeaways and Recommendations

In summary, leading enterprises are embracing Business Process Management to transform operational excellence in alignment with customer expectations and strategic goals.

Key highlights for organizations investigating BPM include:

Adopt Continuous Improvement Mindset – Follow structured BPM lifecycle methodology vs. one-off optimizations

Take Outside-In Approach – Map external “white space” customer journeys before internal workflows

Identify Quick Wins – Prioritize high impact processes for greatest ROI benefitcases 

Enhance Analytics Investment – Collect data across processes for fact-based insights and diagnostics

Prepare Culture – Drive executive commitment, process literacy training and change management

Leverage Cloud Economics – Consider BPaaS solutions for faster time-to-value over on-premise software

Build BPM CoE – Establish BPM Center of Excellence for guidance, governance, standards and best practices 

Evolve Along The Maturity Curve – Grow BPM scope as organizational capabilities and competencies mature

Reach out to explore how to launch your BPM program for transformational outcomes.

The Essential Guide to Business Process Management (BPM) in 2024

Business process management (BPM) has become an indispensable practice for companies seeking to optimize operations, reduce costs, enhance customer experience and promote business growth through process improvement. This BPM guide covers everything from understanding BPM concepts to identifying the types of BPM solutions, implementation methodologies, critical success factors, latest trends and best practices to follow in 2024.

With the right BPM software, governance model and organizational change management - enterprises can transform fragmented workflows into efficient automated business processes aligned to strategic goals. Read on to determine if your organization needs BPM, and if so, how to approach BPM initiatives.

Defining Business Process Management

Business process management encompasses various methods and tools to discover, document, analyze, improve, optimize and manage end-to-end business processes. BPM relies on process modeling methodologies to depict workflows, interactions and decision logic across people, systems and apps.

The focus of BPM is enhancing how work gets executed horizontally across departments, systems and companies to deliver business value and positive outcomes in alignment with organizational objectives. It applies process thinking to connect discrete tasks into integrated processes.

Some key concepts in BPM include:

Business Process: A series of structured business activities with specific flow, triggers and dependencies to accomplish a defined business outcome.

Process Owner: An executive accountable for process KPIs related to cost, quality, cycle time and compliance

Process Analysis: Assessing, baselining and diagnosing process constraints to identify waste and performance improvement opportunities

Process Automation: Use of technology to execute repetitive process tasks reducing human effort and errors

Process Simulation: Modeling process flows under different scenarios to validate designs before implementation

Process Analytics: Monitoring process dashboards showing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to enable data-driven process insights

Continuous Process Improvement: Ongoing effort using BPM lifecycle to incrementally enhance process efficiency and quality

Process Transformation: Fundamental redesign of processes to significantly improve KPIs and align to business strategies

Drivers for Business Process Management

What factors are motivating enterprises to invest in BPM now? Some of the leading drivers include:

Increasing Agility – The need to rapidly operationalize changing business models, innovations and customer requirements

Cost Optimization – Continued executive mandate to reduce waste, streamline operations and control expenses

Globalization – Coordinating business processes across borders, cultures and disparate systems

Regulations – Requirements for rigorous control, audit trails and reporting on organizational practices

Digital Transformation – Disconnect between legacy processes and new technologies like AI/ML, RPA and cloud platforms

Customer Experience – Aligning processes from the outside-in to enable seamless omni-channel customer journeys

Post-Pandemic Recovery – Reimagining processes to enhance resilience, remote collaboration and automation

The Integrated BPM Lifecycle

BPM should be seen as a continuous improvement approach, not a one-time project. An integrated, closed-loop BPM methodology enables sustainable process optimization. Below are key phases of the BPM lifecycle:

Process Identification

Leverage stakeholder input and process mining algorithms to identify processes for improvement across systems, departments and operations

Process Discovery

Map current state processes end-to-end, document underlying rules, roles and existing automation

Process Analysis

Profile process performance baselines related to KPIs - cost, cycle time, quality, compliance

Process Simulation

Model and test “To-be” process flows addressing pain points using “what-if” scenario modelling

Process Redesign

Define optimized processes incorporating industry best practices and innovative use of enabling technologies

Process Implementation

Execute deployment plan applying change management - user training, system integration, testing and adjustments

Process Monitoring

Instrument processes for detailed visibility publishing operational analytics to business users

Process Diagnosis

Perform root cause analysis on issues using process analytics combined with data visualization

Process Improvement

Continually refine processes based on insights uncovered via monitoring, data analysis and diagnosis

Process Repeat

Use lessons learned from previous iteration to identify new improvement opportunities driving enduring continuity

Business Process Management Solutions

BPM is supported by a range of automation technologies and tools:

Business Process Management Suites

Integrated platforms to model, simulate, execute, monitor and optimize end-to-end processes. Enable continuous process improvement across the BPM lifecycle phases.

Business Process Modeling Tools

Design, map and document business processes using flowchart techniques like BPMN to visualize process steps, decisions and stakeholders

Workflow Management Tools

Route work tasks and documents to users according to predefined process flows and rules enabling consistency

Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)

Capture event streams from multiple data sources in real-time to enable monitoring of business performance

Business Process Analytics

Tools to analyze, identify patterns and visualize process data to provide transparency and actionable insights

Process Mining

Discover actual processes by extracting event logs from IT systems to compare against defined process models

Business Decision Automation

Manage complex business rules and decision logic models to optimize outcomes and compliance

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Automate repetitive, rules-based tasks via software robots interpreting user interfaces just like humans

Who Needs Business Process Management?

Nearly all industries can benefit from BPM but top vertical adopters today include:


Optimizing processes for lending operations, customer onboarding/KYC, fraud analysis and wealth management


Improving underwriting, claims and policy administration while ensuring compliance


Clinical and operational process enhancement – patient intake, diagnostics, billing and reimbursements


Managing order-to-activation flows, field workforce scheduling, asset maintenance and fault management


Load planning, inventory allocation, distribution operations, shipment tracking and ETA accuracy

Public Sector

Constituent-centric processes for benefits claims, assistance programs, licenses and policy guidance


Quality assurance procedures, shop floor scheduling, inventory control and product development workflows

Critical Capabilities for BPM Success

While software alone cannot guarantee positive outcomes - these organizational capabilities drive and sustain effective BPM adoption:

Executive Sponsorship

Ongoing C-level oversight, prioritization and funding to instill process-centric culture

BPM Competency Center

Centralized team of process experts providing governance, best practices, tools, templates and training

Enterprise Process Architecture

Common taxonomy, standards and methodology governing process models, automation approaches and data

Master Data Management (MDM)

Consistent, complete and trustworthy master data asset supporting process analysis and decisions

Organizational Alignment

Proactive change management across people, process and technology promoting process literacy at all levels

IT/Business Collaboration

Strong partnership between IT and business teams in process design phases

BPM Methodology Best Practices

Follow these proven steps for implementing BPM initiatives successfully:

Understand Strategic Drivers

Document business objectives, KPIs and current vs. desired future state processes

Define Governance Model

Create BPM oversight team, competency center, change network, executive steering committee

Conduct As-Is Process Discovery

Leverage process mining to analyze actual processes, pain points and improvement needs

Develop Future State Process Architecture

Map process flows at the enterprise level showing connectivity between departmental processes

Prioritize Process Redesign Efforts

Focus initial BPM projects on urgent, high impact processes demonstrating quick ROI

Manage Organizational Change

Drive process culture via awareness, training, incentives and continuous communication

Scale BPM Program

Once successful, replicate process methods across other areas ensuring consistency and coordination

Advance Technical Capabilities

Evolve tools to support increasing process complexity as competencies and maturity progresses

Business Process Management Key Trends

Some noteworthy BPM developments to expect in 2024 include:

Intelligent Business Process Management (iBPM)

Infusing automation with AI, RPA and analytics for smarter exception handling, forecasting and optimization

Process Mining Proliferation

Discovering actual processes via data mining algorithms to enable fact-based analysis and continual auditing

Business Process as a Service (BPaaS)

Consuming prebuilt industry process apps from the cloud allowing faster time to value

Workflow Apps Expansion

Citizen developers drag-and-drop configuring workflow apps with minimal coding

Embedded Process Insights

Analytics and monitoring instrumentation natively embedded in processes via digital dashboards

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Focus

Applying BPM to enhance traceability, compliance and reporting for sustainability initiatives 

Natural Language Interfaces

Voice commands and conversational agents to query process performance and guide users through workflows

Predictive Business Processes

Simulation and machine learning anticipate scenarios for dynamic adjustments of processes before issues arise

Blockchain Integration

Leveraging blockchain to enable trustworthy process audit trails, transparency and data lineage

BPM Human+Bots Collaboration

RPA bots and AI assistants augmenting human tasks in process workflows for straight through processing

When to Adopt Business Process Management

Indicators that your organization can strongly benefit from BPM:

Inconsistent Process Execution

Wide variance in outcomes, cycle times and quality depending on factors like employee skills, locations or workload

Limited Visibility

Lack of clarity into end-to-end processes and hand-offs spanning systems, apps and organizations

Changing Business Conditions

Difficulty adapting processes, resources and customer journeys to market disruptions and new innovations

Unsatisfactory Customer Experiences

Complaints regarding slow request resolution, convoluted application processes or billing errors

Non Compliance Risks

Inability to adhere to regulations and changing compliance rules leading to penalties or litigation

Unstructured Processes

Overreliance on heroics, tribal knowledge and manual interventions to progress processes

Mergers & Acquisitions

Disjointed processes from lack of standards between merged companies or acquired business units

Cost Overruns

Budget overages tied to inefficient processes with redundant efforts across people and systems

Strategic Misalignment

Functional strategies and operations disconnected from broader corporate objectives

Key Takeaways and Recommendations

In summary, leading enterprises are embracing Business Process Management to transform operational excellence in alignment with customer expectations and strategic goals.

Key highlights for organizations investigating BPM include:

Adopt Continuous Improvement Mindset – Follow structured BPM lifecycle methodology vs. one-off optimizations

Take Outside-In Approach – Map external “white space” customer journeys before internal workflows

Identify Quick Wins – Prioritize high impact processes for greatest ROI benefitcases 

Enhance Analytics Investment – Collect data across processes for fact-based insights and diagnostics

Prepare Culture – Drive executive commitment, process literacy training and change management

Leverage Cloud Economics – Consider BPaaS solutions for faster time-to-value over on-premise software

Build BPM CoE – Establish BPM Center of Excellence for guidance, governance, standards and best practices 

Evolve Along The Maturity Curve – Grow BPM scope as organizational capabilities and competencies mature

Reach out to explore how to launch your BPM program for transformational outcomes.