The Ultimate Guide to Creating and Using a Free RAID Log Template for Effective Project Management

Using a RAID log is an essential project management tool that tracks risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies throughout a project. This comprehensive guide will teach you how to create, use, and maximize a free RAID log template to mitigate risks and ensure project success.

Why Use a RAID Log for Project Management?

A RAID log is a simple yet powerful project management tool that lets project managers gain better control over the project. The RAID acronym stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies - all key aspects of any project.

Maintaining a RAID log helps project managers identify and manage project risks, document assumptions, track issues that arise, and highlight project dependencies. Having all this project information in one place gives project managers greater visibility and insights.

The log helps project managers proactively mitigate risks, validate assumptions, resolve issues before they escalate, and manage dependencies. This leads to smoother project execution and increased likelihood of project success.

In summary, a RAID log is an invaluable project management tool that:

  • Provides a central repository for all project risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies

  • Enables proactive risk management to reduce surprises

  • Tracks project issues to resolution

  • Documents assumptions to validate

  • Highlights dependencies for coordination

  • Gives visibility into overall project health

  • Increases project oversight and control

  • Improves project delivery and team collaboration

  • Drives higher project success rates

Creating Your Own Free RAID Log Template

While pre-made RAID log templates are available, it helps to create a custom template tailored to your project needs. Here are the key steps:

Step 1: Define Columns and Sections

Start by defining the RAID log columns and sections. This forms the template structure.

Typical columns include:

  • ID: Unique identifier

  • Type: Risk, assumption, issue, or dependency 

  • Description: Brief description of the RAID item

  • Mitigation/Action: Planned mitigation or actions for the RAID item

  • Owner: Person responsible for the RAID item

  • Status: Status like open, in progress, closed etc.

  • Date: Date identified and date closed

You can add other columns like Impact, Priority, Resolution notes etc. if needed.

The log should also be divided into sections for:

  • Open RAIDs: Active risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies

  • Closed RAIDs:RAID items that have been closed/resolved.

Step 2: Create Log Template

Use above framework to create the actual log template in Excel or Google Sheets.

Set up columns and sections as defined. Leave rows for RAID entries to be added during project execution.

Make sure to space out columns adequately for content entry.

Step 3: Add Formatting

Use formatting to make your RAID log template more visually appealing and usable:

  • Add color coding fordifferent RAID types

  • Hide closed RAID section initially

  • Bold and align header text

  • Increase font size for readability

  • Apply filters for sorting and analyzing

  • Use borders, lines and shading for polish

Don’t go overboard though. Keep it simple.

Step 4: Test and Tweak

Test out your RAID log template with sample data. Look out for:

  • Ease of use

  • Readability

  • Adequate space for content

  • Effective filtering

  • Usability of template structure

Make any required adjustments like adding columns, tweaking space allocation, colors etc. Refine until you have an effective log.

Your custom RAID log template is now ready for use in your projects!

How to Use a RAID Log to Track Project Risks

A RAID log is invaluable for tracking and managing project risks throughout the project lifecycle. Here’s how to leverage your RAID log for effective risk management:

Identify Risks Upfront

  • During project planning, conduct a thorough risk identification exercise covering all potential risk areas.

  • Document all major project risks in the RAID log with descriptions and assigned owners.

Rate Risk Likelihood and Impact

  • For each identified risk, rate the likelihood of occurrence and potential impact on a 1-5 scale.

  • This helps determine priority for mitigation.

Define Mitigation Actions

  • For major risks, define mitigation actions to either reduce likelihood or minimize impact.

  • Document planned mitigation in the log. Assign responsibility to risk owners.

Track and Report Risks

  • Review and update risk status at periodic project meetings.

  • New risks may arise during execution which should also be logged.

  • Report overall risk summary and metrics to stakeholders.

Proactively Mitigate Risks

  • Ensure planned mitigations are implemented per schedule.

  • Revisit mitigation plans if risks change.

  • Focus on proactive rather than reactive risk management.

Close Out Risks

  • When risks are no longer applicable, close them out in the log.

  • Shift closed risks to the closed section but maintain record.

With these best practices, your RAID log provides structure and visibility for proactively tracking and mitigating project risks.

Using a RAID Log to Document Key Project Assumptions

Every project begins with a set of assumptions - about schedule, resources, funding, market conditions etc. It's critical to document assumptions in the RAID log and validate them systematically.

Note Assumptions During Planning

  • Assumptions form the basis of project planning, so the planning stage is when you uncover and document them.

  • List all key assumptions in the RAID log with owners assigned.

Re-Assess Assumptions

  • Review project assumptions during the execution cycle to test their validity. 

  • Have assumption owners re-validate them.

Monitor for Assumption Failures

  • If certain assumptions prove invalid, there could be serious impacts on the project.

  • Treat assumption failures as issues and document in log.

Verify Before Committing

  • Before making important commitments or decisions, re-verify aligned assumptions still hold true.

  • Ensure assumptions tied to the commitment are still valid.

Update Status

  • Update the status of each assumption periodically in the log.

  • Close out assumptions after validating.

With constant assumption validation, the RAID log helps avoid nasty surprises that can derail projects.

Tracking Project Issues in a RAID Log

A RAID log is great for tracking project issues right from origination through to resolution. Here are some tips:

Enter Issues Promptly

  • Note any project issues in the RAID log as soon they crop up.

  • Issues left unlogged tend to be ignored.

Classify Issue Criticality

  • Classify each issue for criticality on a 1-5 scale.

  • Allows focusing on mission-critical issues.

Assign Issue Owners

  • Every issue logged should have an assigned project team member responsible.

  • Owners must drive the issue to closure.

Define Resolution Plan

  • For critical issues, define a mitigation plan with tasks, dates and owners.

  • The issue owner should take the lead on resolution.

Monitor Issue Status

  • Follow up on issue status regularly in project meetings.

  • Confirm that issues are being worked per plan.

Close Out Resolved Issues

  • When an issue is resolved, close it out in the log.

  • Shift closed issues to the closed section.

With robust issue tracking, the RAID log transforms issue management from reactive to proactive.

Capturing Project Dependencies in the RAID Log

Every project will have external dependencies that can impact project delivery and success. The RAID log offers a straightforward way to highlight and manage dependencies.

Note All Dependencies

  • Identify all dependencies for the project covering resources, technology, vendors, data, partners etc.

  • Document each dependency in detail in the log.

Map Dependency Relationships

  • For every dependency, map which project tasks or workstreams rely on it.

  • This illuminates risk of cascading dependency failures.

Highlight Critical Dependencies

  • Call out dependencies that are mission-critical for the project completion.

  • Plan contingency for critical dependencies if possible.

Monitor Dependencies

  • Periodically check status of dependencies during project reviews.

  • Get advance warning of any dependency changes or risks.

Coordinate With Partners

  • Sync constantly with partners managing dependencies external to the project. 

  • Coordinate to align work or resolve dependency issues.

Shift Completed Dependencies

  • Close out dependencies in the log once fulfilled or no longer applicable.

  • Remove from active tracking.

Staying on top of dependencies ensures no last minute surprises that can derail your project.

Best Practices For Maintaining a RAID Log

Follow these best practices to get maximum value from your RAID log:

  • Ensure regular updates: Update log with new RAIDs and status changes at least every 2 weeks. Don't let it stagnate.

  • Review at project meetings: Discuss open RAIDs and any concerns at each project meeting. Address issues.

  • Assign owners: Every RAID must have a named owner responsible for managing it.

  • Track to closure: Monitor RAIDs closely until closure and removal from log.

  • Share with stakeholders: Report key RAID metrics and status to stakeholders in project communications.

  • Reflect resolved RAIDs: Shift closed RAIDs from active to closed section for record.

  • Watch for trends: Identify patterns in RAIDs - are certain types recurring more? Address root causes.

  • Keep log accessible: Ensure everyone knows where the latest RAID log version lives. Share read access.

  • Make notes actionable: For RAID actions, include due dates and clear responsibility.

  • Communicate RAID impacts: Advise stakeholders if RAIDs are impacting project scope, schedule or cost.

  • Customize as needed: Tweak your RAID log template to capture additional project-specific data.

Following these will ensure your RAID log provides maximum value.

Sample RAID Log Template

Below is a snapshot of a simple RAID log template with some sample entries populated. Use this as a starter template for your projects. Expand and customize to meet your needs.

IDTypeDescriptionMitigations/ActionsOwnerStatusDate RaisedDate ClosedR001RiskKey vendor delivery may slip by 2 weeksExplore backup vendorsPMOpen1/1/2023A001AssumptionProject budget will not be cutWill reconfirm with executive sponsorPMOpen1/5/2023I001IssueRequirements from client unclearArrange workshop for clarificationBAOpen1/10/2023D001DependencyVendor delivery of servers for testingTrack Vendor PO schedulePMOpen1/5/2023R002RiskTeam lacking qualificationsSchedule additional trainingPMOpen1/15/2023

This covers the key concepts in building out a RAID log. Feel free to shape it based on the unique needs of your project!

Conclusion and Next Steps

A RAID log is an invaluable yet underutilized tool that boosts project transparency, drives proactive risk management, and increases project delivery success.

Here are some suggested next steps:

  • Create a customized RAID log template for your upcoming projects

  • Train your project team on consistent RAID logging and tracking

  • Set time on project meeting agendas to discuss latest RAID status

  • Report key RAID metrics to stakeholders in project communications

  • Analyze the RAIDs to identify recurrent issues for correction 

  • Share lessons learned from RAID management for continuous improvement

By rigorously maintaining a RAID log, you will gain an intimate understanding of overall project health and head off problems before they become crises. The investment is well worth the significant project benefits accrued.

The Ultimate Guide to Creating and Using a Free RAID Log Template for Effective Project Management

Using a RAID log is an essential project management tool that tracks risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies throughout a project. This comprehensive guide will teach you how to create, use, and maximize a free RAID log template to mitigate risks and ensure project success.

Why Use a RAID Log for Project Management?

A RAID log is a simple yet powerful project management tool that lets project managers gain better control over the project. The RAID acronym stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies - all key aspects of any project.

Maintaining a RAID log helps project managers identify and manage project risks, document assumptions, track issues that arise, and highlight project dependencies. Having all this project information in one place gives project managers greater visibility and insights.

The log helps project managers proactively mitigate risks, validate assumptions, resolve issues before they escalate, and manage dependencies. This leads to smoother project execution and increased likelihood of project success.

In summary, a RAID log is an invaluable project management tool that:

  • Provides a central repository for all project risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies

  • Enables proactive risk management to reduce surprises

  • Tracks project issues to resolution

  • Documents assumptions to validate

  • Highlights dependencies for coordination

  • Gives visibility into overall project health

  • Increases project oversight and control

  • Improves project delivery and team collaboration

  • Drives higher project success rates

Creating Your Own Free RAID Log Template

While pre-made RAID log templates are available, it helps to create a custom template tailored to your project needs. Here are the key steps:

Step 1: Define Columns and Sections

Start by defining the RAID log columns and sections. This forms the template structure.

Typical columns include:

  • ID: Unique identifier

  • Type: Risk, assumption, issue, or dependency 

  • Description: Brief description of the RAID item

  • Mitigation/Action: Planned mitigation or actions for the RAID item

  • Owner: Person responsible for the RAID item

  • Status: Status like open, in progress, closed etc.

  • Date: Date identified and date closed

You can add other columns like Impact, Priority, Resolution notes etc. if needed.

The log should also be divided into sections for:

  • Open RAIDs: Active risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies

  • Closed RAIDs:RAID items that have been closed/resolved.

Step 2: Create Log Template

Use above framework to create the actual log template in Excel or Google Sheets.

Set up columns and sections as defined. Leave rows for RAID entries to be added during project execution.

Make sure to space out columns adequately for content entry.

Step 3: Add Formatting

Use formatting to make your RAID log template more visually appealing and usable:

  • Add color coding fordifferent RAID types

  • Hide closed RAID section initially

  • Bold and align header text

  • Increase font size for readability

  • Apply filters for sorting and analyzing

  • Use borders, lines and shading for polish

Don’t go overboard though. Keep it simple.

Step 4: Test and Tweak

Test out your RAID log template with sample data. Look out for:

  • Ease of use

  • Readability

  • Adequate space for content

  • Effective filtering

  • Usability of template structure

Make any required adjustments like adding columns, tweaking space allocation, colors etc. Refine until you have an effective log.

Your custom RAID log template is now ready for use in your projects!

How to Use a RAID Log to Track Project Risks

A RAID log is invaluable for tracking and managing project risks throughout the project lifecycle. Here’s how to leverage your RAID log for effective risk management:

Identify Risks Upfront

  • During project planning, conduct a thorough risk identification exercise covering all potential risk areas.

  • Document all major project risks in the RAID log with descriptions and assigned owners.

Rate Risk Likelihood and Impact

  • For each identified risk, rate the likelihood of occurrence and potential impact on a 1-5 scale.

  • This helps determine priority for mitigation.

Define Mitigation Actions

  • For major risks, define mitigation actions to either reduce likelihood or minimize impact.

  • Document planned mitigation in the log. Assign responsibility to risk owners.

Track and Report Risks

  • Review and update risk status at periodic project meetings.

  • New risks may arise during execution which should also be logged.

  • Report overall risk summary and metrics to stakeholders.

Proactively Mitigate Risks

  • Ensure planned mitigations are implemented per schedule.

  • Revisit mitigation plans if risks change.

  • Focus on proactive rather than reactive risk management.

Close Out Risks

  • When risks are no longer applicable, close them out in the log.

  • Shift closed risks to the closed section but maintain record.

With these best practices, your RAID log provides structure and visibility for proactively tracking and mitigating project risks.

Using a RAID Log to Document Key Project Assumptions

Every project begins with a set of assumptions - about schedule, resources, funding, market conditions etc. It's critical to document assumptions in the RAID log and validate them systematically.

Note Assumptions During Planning

  • Assumptions form the basis of project planning, so the planning stage is when you uncover and document them.

  • List all key assumptions in the RAID log with owners assigned.

Re-Assess Assumptions

  • Review project assumptions during the execution cycle to test their validity. 

  • Have assumption owners re-validate them.

Monitor for Assumption Failures

  • If certain assumptions prove invalid, there could be serious impacts on the project.

  • Treat assumption failures as issues and document in log.

Verify Before Committing

  • Before making important commitments or decisions, re-verify aligned assumptions still hold true.

  • Ensure assumptions tied to the commitment are still valid.

Update Status

  • Update the status of each assumption periodically in the log.

  • Close out assumptions after validating.

With constant assumption validation, the RAID log helps avoid nasty surprises that can derail projects.

Tracking Project Issues in a RAID Log

A RAID log is great for tracking project issues right from origination through to resolution. Here are some tips:

Enter Issues Promptly

  • Note any project issues in the RAID log as soon they crop up.

  • Issues left unlogged tend to be ignored.

Classify Issue Criticality

  • Classify each issue for criticality on a 1-5 scale.

  • Allows focusing on mission-critical issues.

Assign Issue Owners

  • Every issue logged should have an assigned project team member responsible.

  • Owners must drive the issue to closure.

Define Resolution Plan

  • For critical issues, define a mitigation plan with tasks, dates and owners.

  • The issue owner should take the lead on resolution.

Monitor Issue Status

  • Follow up on issue status regularly in project meetings.

  • Confirm that issues are being worked per plan.

Close Out Resolved Issues

  • When an issue is resolved, close it out in the log.

  • Shift closed issues to the closed section.

With robust issue tracking, the RAID log transforms issue management from reactive to proactive.

Capturing Project Dependencies in the RAID Log

Every project will have external dependencies that can impact project delivery and success. The RAID log offers a straightforward way to highlight and manage dependencies.

Note All Dependencies

  • Identify all dependencies for the project covering resources, technology, vendors, data, partners etc.

  • Document each dependency in detail in the log.

Map Dependency Relationships

  • For every dependency, map which project tasks or workstreams rely on it.

  • This illuminates risk of cascading dependency failures.

Highlight Critical Dependencies

  • Call out dependencies that are mission-critical for the project completion.

  • Plan contingency for critical dependencies if possible.

Monitor Dependencies

  • Periodically check status of dependencies during project reviews.

  • Get advance warning of any dependency changes or risks.

Coordinate With Partners

  • Sync constantly with partners managing dependencies external to the project. 

  • Coordinate to align work or resolve dependency issues.

Shift Completed Dependencies

  • Close out dependencies in the log once fulfilled or no longer applicable.

  • Remove from active tracking.

Staying on top of dependencies ensures no last minute surprises that can derail your project.

Best Practices For Maintaining a RAID Log

Follow these best practices to get maximum value from your RAID log:

  • Ensure regular updates: Update log with new RAIDs and status changes at least every 2 weeks. Don't let it stagnate.

  • Review at project meetings: Discuss open RAIDs and any concerns at each project meeting. Address issues.

  • Assign owners: Every RAID must have a named owner responsible for managing it.

  • Track to closure: Monitor RAIDs closely until closure and removal from log.

  • Share with stakeholders: Report key RAID metrics and status to stakeholders in project communications.

  • Reflect resolved RAIDs: Shift closed RAIDs from active to closed section for record.

  • Watch for trends: Identify patterns in RAIDs - are certain types recurring more? Address root causes.

  • Keep log accessible: Ensure everyone knows where the latest RAID log version lives. Share read access.

  • Make notes actionable: For RAID actions, include due dates and clear responsibility.

  • Communicate RAID impacts: Advise stakeholders if RAIDs are impacting project scope, schedule or cost.

  • Customize as needed: Tweak your RAID log template to capture additional project-specific data.

Following these will ensure your RAID log provides maximum value.

Sample RAID Log Template

Below is a snapshot of a simple RAID log template with some sample entries populated. Use this as a starter template for your projects. Expand and customize to meet your needs.

IDTypeDescriptionMitigations/ActionsOwnerStatusDate RaisedDate ClosedR001RiskKey vendor delivery may slip by 2 weeksExplore backup vendorsPMOpen1/1/2023A001AssumptionProject budget will not be cutWill reconfirm with executive sponsorPMOpen1/5/2023I001IssueRequirements from client unclearArrange workshop for clarificationBAOpen1/10/2023D001DependencyVendor delivery of servers for testingTrack Vendor PO schedulePMOpen1/5/2023R002RiskTeam lacking qualificationsSchedule additional trainingPMOpen1/15/2023

This covers the key concepts in building out a RAID log. Feel free to shape it based on the unique needs of your project!

Conclusion and Next Steps

A RAID log is an invaluable yet underutilized tool that boosts project transparency, drives proactive risk management, and increases project delivery success.

Here are some suggested next steps:

  • Create a customized RAID log template for your upcoming projects

  • Train your project team on consistent RAID logging and tracking

  • Set time on project meeting agendas to discuss latest RAID status

  • Report key RAID metrics to stakeholders in project communications

  • Analyze the RAIDs to identify recurrent issues for correction 

  • Share lessons learned from RAID management for continuous improvement

By rigorously maintaining a RAID log, you will gain an intimate understanding of overall project health and head off problems before they become crises. The investment is well worth the significant project benefits accrued.

The Ultimate Guide to Creating and Using a Free RAID Log Template for Effective Project Management

Using a RAID log is an essential project management tool that tracks risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies throughout a project. This comprehensive guide will teach you how to create, use, and maximize a free RAID log template to mitigate risks and ensure project success.

Why Use a RAID Log for Project Management?

A RAID log is a simple yet powerful project management tool that lets project managers gain better control over the project. The RAID acronym stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies - all key aspects of any project.

Maintaining a RAID log helps project managers identify and manage project risks, document assumptions, track issues that arise, and highlight project dependencies. Having all this project information in one place gives project managers greater visibility and insights.

The log helps project managers proactively mitigate risks, validate assumptions, resolve issues before they escalate, and manage dependencies. This leads to smoother project execution and increased likelihood of project success.

In summary, a RAID log is an invaluable project management tool that:

  • Provides a central repository for all project risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies

  • Enables proactive risk management to reduce surprises

  • Tracks project issues to resolution

  • Documents assumptions to validate

  • Highlights dependencies for coordination

  • Gives visibility into overall project health

  • Increases project oversight and control

  • Improves project delivery and team collaboration

  • Drives higher project success rates

Creating Your Own Free RAID Log Template

While pre-made RAID log templates are available, it helps to create a custom template tailored to your project needs. Here are the key steps:

Step 1: Define Columns and Sections

Start by defining the RAID log columns and sections. This forms the template structure.

Typical columns include:

  • ID: Unique identifier

  • Type: Risk, assumption, issue, or dependency 

  • Description: Brief description of the RAID item

  • Mitigation/Action: Planned mitigation or actions for the RAID item

  • Owner: Person responsible for the RAID item

  • Status: Status like open, in progress, closed etc.

  • Date: Date identified and date closed

You can add other columns like Impact, Priority, Resolution notes etc. if needed.

The log should also be divided into sections for:

  • Open RAIDs: Active risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies

  • Closed RAIDs:RAID items that have been closed/resolved.

Step 2: Create Log Template

Use above framework to create the actual log template in Excel or Google Sheets.

Set up columns and sections as defined. Leave rows for RAID entries to be added during project execution.

Make sure to space out columns adequately for content entry.

Step 3: Add Formatting

Use formatting to make your RAID log template more visually appealing and usable:

  • Add color coding fordifferent RAID types

  • Hide closed RAID section initially

  • Bold and align header text

  • Increase font size for readability

  • Apply filters for sorting and analyzing

  • Use borders, lines and shading for polish

Don’t go overboard though. Keep it simple.

Step 4: Test and Tweak

Test out your RAID log template with sample data. Look out for:

  • Ease of use

  • Readability

  • Adequate space for content

  • Effective filtering

  • Usability of template structure

Make any required adjustments like adding columns, tweaking space allocation, colors etc. Refine until you have an effective log.

Your custom RAID log template is now ready for use in your projects!

How to Use a RAID Log to Track Project Risks

A RAID log is invaluable for tracking and managing project risks throughout the project lifecycle. Here’s how to leverage your RAID log for effective risk management:

Identify Risks Upfront

  • During project planning, conduct a thorough risk identification exercise covering all potential risk areas.

  • Document all major project risks in the RAID log with descriptions and assigned owners.

Rate Risk Likelihood and Impact

  • For each identified risk, rate the likelihood of occurrence and potential impact on a 1-5 scale.

  • This helps determine priority for mitigation.

Define Mitigation Actions

  • For major risks, define mitigation actions to either reduce likelihood or minimize impact.

  • Document planned mitigation in the log. Assign responsibility to risk owners.

Track and Report Risks

  • Review and update risk status at periodic project meetings.

  • New risks may arise during execution which should also be logged.

  • Report overall risk summary and metrics to stakeholders.

Proactively Mitigate Risks

  • Ensure planned mitigations are implemented per schedule.

  • Revisit mitigation plans if risks change.

  • Focus on proactive rather than reactive risk management.

Close Out Risks

  • When risks are no longer applicable, close them out in the log.

  • Shift closed risks to the closed section but maintain record.

With these best practices, your RAID log provides structure and visibility for proactively tracking and mitigating project risks.

Using a RAID Log to Document Key Project Assumptions

Every project begins with a set of assumptions - about schedule, resources, funding, market conditions etc. It's critical to document assumptions in the RAID log and validate them systematically.

Note Assumptions During Planning

  • Assumptions form the basis of project planning, so the planning stage is when you uncover and document them.

  • List all key assumptions in the RAID log with owners assigned.

Re-Assess Assumptions

  • Review project assumptions during the execution cycle to test their validity. 

  • Have assumption owners re-validate them.

Monitor for Assumption Failures

  • If certain assumptions prove invalid, there could be serious impacts on the project.

  • Treat assumption failures as issues and document in log.

Verify Before Committing

  • Before making important commitments or decisions, re-verify aligned assumptions still hold true.

  • Ensure assumptions tied to the commitment are still valid.

Update Status

  • Update the status of each assumption periodically in the log.

  • Close out assumptions after validating.

With constant assumption validation, the RAID log helps avoid nasty surprises that can derail projects.

Tracking Project Issues in a RAID Log

A RAID log is great for tracking project issues right from origination through to resolution. Here are some tips:

Enter Issues Promptly

  • Note any project issues in the RAID log as soon they crop up.

  • Issues left unlogged tend to be ignored.

Classify Issue Criticality

  • Classify each issue for criticality on a 1-5 scale.

  • Allows focusing on mission-critical issues.

Assign Issue Owners

  • Every issue logged should have an assigned project team member responsible.

  • Owners must drive the issue to closure.

Define Resolution Plan

  • For critical issues, define a mitigation plan with tasks, dates and owners.

  • The issue owner should take the lead on resolution.

Monitor Issue Status

  • Follow up on issue status regularly in project meetings.

  • Confirm that issues are being worked per plan.

Close Out Resolved Issues

  • When an issue is resolved, close it out in the log.

  • Shift closed issues to the closed section.

With robust issue tracking, the RAID log transforms issue management from reactive to proactive.

Capturing Project Dependencies in the RAID Log

Every project will have external dependencies that can impact project delivery and success. The RAID log offers a straightforward way to highlight and manage dependencies.

Note All Dependencies

  • Identify all dependencies for the project covering resources, technology, vendors, data, partners etc.

  • Document each dependency in detail in the log.

Map Dependency Relationships

  • For every dependency, map which project tasks or workstreams rely on it.

  • This illuminates risk of cascading dependency failures.

Highlight Critical Dependencies

  • Call out dependencies that are mission-critical for the project completion.

  • Plan contingency for critical dependencies if possible.

Monitor Dependencies

  • Periodically check status of dependencies during project reviews.

  • Get advance warning of any dependency changes or risks.

Coordinate With Partners

  • Sync constantly with partners managing dependencies external to the project. 

  • Coordinate to align work or resolve dependency issues.

Shift Completed Dependencies

  • Close out dependencies in the log once fulfilled or no longer applicable.

  • Remove from active tracking.

Staying on top of dependencies ensures no last minute surprises that can derail your project.

Best Practices For Maintaining a RAID Log

Follow these best practices to get maximum value from your RAID log:

  • Ensure regular updates: Update log with new RAIDs and status changes at least every 2 weeks. Don't let it stagnate.

  • Review at project meetings: Discuss open RAIDs and any concerns at each project meeting. Address issues.

  • Assign owners: Every RAID must have a named owner responsible for managing it.

  • Track to closure: Monitor RAIDs closely until closure and removal from log.

  • Share with stakeholders: Report key RAID metrics and status to stakeholders in project communications.

  • Reflect resolved RAIDs: Shift closed RAIDs from active to closed section for record.

  • Watch for trends: Identify patterns in RAIDs - are certain types recurring more? Address root causes.

  • Keep log accessible: Ensure everyone knows where the latest RAID log version lives. Share read access.

  • Make notes actionable: For RAID actions, include due dates and clear responsibility.

  • Communicate RAID impacts: Advise stakeholders if RAIDs are impacting project scope, schedule or cost.

  • Customize as needed: Tweak your RAID log template to capture additional project-specific data.

Following these will ensure your RAID log provides maximum value.

Sample RAID Log Template

Below is a snapshot of a simple RAID log template with some sample entries populated. Use this as a starter template for your projects. Expand and customize to meet your needs.

IDTypeDescriptionMitigations/ActionsOwnerStatusDate RaisedDate ClosedR001RiskKey vendor delivery may slip by 2 weeksExplore backup vendorsPMOpen1/1/2023A001AssumptionProject budget will not be cutWill reconfirm with executive sponsorPMOpen1/5/2023I001IssueRequirements from client unclearArrange workshop for clarificationBAOpen1/10/2023D001DependencyVendor delivery of servers for testingTrack Vendor PO schedulePMOpen1/5/2023R002RiskTeam lacking qualificationsSchedule additional trainingPMOpen1/15/2023

This covers the key concepts in building out a RAID log. Feel free to shape it based on the unique needs of your project!

Conclusion and Next Steps

A RAID log is an invaluable yet underutilized tool that boosts project transparency, drives proactive risk management, and increases project delivery success.

Here are some suggested next steps:

  • Create a customized RAID log template for your upcoming projects

  • Train your project team on consistent RAID logging and tracking

  • Set time on project meeting agendas to discuss latest RAID status

  • Report key RAID metrics to stakeholders in project communications

  • Analyze the RAIDs to identify recurrent issues for correction 

  • Share lessons learned from RAID management for continuous improvement

By rigorously maintaining a RAID log, you will gain an intimate understanding of overall project health and head off problems before they become crises. The investment is well worth the significant project benefits accrued.